Dear customers,

you can also find our jewellery in our two shops in Munich:

GILARDY Juwelengoldschmiede

Diamond jewellery, wedding rings, engagement rings, custom-made products according to customer requirements

Pfisterstrasse 6, 80331 Munich - Old Town

Tel. +49 89-930838870 / email info(at)


Monday to Friday 10.30 - 18.00 h

Saturday 10.30 - 16.00 h

and by appointment

GILARDY Schmuck Atelier

Design jewellery, fashion jewellery, diamond jewellery

Inner Wiener Strasse 46 / corner of Steinstrasse

81667 Munich - Haidhausen

Tel. +49 89 44 11 99 88 / email info(at)


Monday to Saturday by appointment